


DN Classic FAQ

View 6565

Dear Adventurers,



We have been receiving many questions about Dragon Nest Classic, and we'd like to address some of the most frequently asked ones.


The answer to your question might be in this list, so be sure to check it out!



1. Where can I replenish my FTG?


- Clearing Main Quests rewards you with FTG, allowing you to continue your adventure in Lagendia for a longer time!

- For bonus FTG, you can purchase the FTG Recovery Potion from the Cash Shop using DNP.

- FTG resets every 9:00 AM (GMT+8).



2. I haven't received my Pre-Registration & Friend Invitation rewards.


- We are aware of the issue, and are preparing to send out the rewards. We kindly ask for your patience.



3. Can the same nickname exist on both Geraint and Velskud servers?


- No. If a character named "Poppy" exists on Geraint, the same nickname cannot be used on Velskud and vice-versa.



4. Where do I get the entrance ticket to Cerberus Nest?


- There are two types of entrance tickets for Cerberus Nest:


- Dark Overlord Heraldry – Obtainable from Hermalte Port Abyss or Foothills of Black Mountain.

- Normal Nest Entry Ticket – Available from Merchant PaniaMonthly Pass Credit Shop.



5. How can I get Costumes?


- Please check our guide on Costumes below!

Link: Guide on Costumes



6. I can't proceed with my 1st Specialization Quest


- If you are encountering the issue below, you can just close the dialogue and move to the next destination to proceed with the quest.



7. I'm having trouble with my Dragon Nest Launcher.


- Please refer to the link below for assistance.

Link: DN Launcher FAQ



8. Where can I exchange my I ♥ D N items?


- Click on the map icon above Cash Shop.


- Go to I Love DN ! tab and click the Event Shop icon.



9. What are the benefits of the Monthly Passes in Cash Shop?


- You can find the detailed information about Monthly Passes in the link below:

Link: Monthly Pass & DNP



10. I'm having trouble Topping Up due to Cherry Credits issue


- Please refer to the link below for guidance

Link: Cherry Credits FAQ



11. Where can I get the Black Little Devil Wings? I need it to clear my Beginner's Guide.


- You can obtain Black Little Devil Wings from Level 13 Achievement Reward Box.



12. Can I transfer my character from one server to another?


- Not at the moment. Characters in Geraint cannot be transferred to Velskud and vice-versa.



13. Can I reset my skills for free?


- Yes! You can reset your skills anytime for free after you complete your 1st Specialization.



14. Can I play on my MacBook?


- No. MacBook is not supported at the moment.



15. Is Assassin going to be updated?


- We plan to introduce new Classes in future updates. Stay tuned!



16. Can I play using laptops with integrated graphics card?


- Yes, it is possible. However, we strongly recommend using a dedicated graphics card for smoother gameplay.




Thank you.