[Updated][FAQ] Launcher Issues
If you cannot access Dragon Nest Classic in any way, please refer to the following solutions:
■ System Error: Dragonnest_reborn.exe
If you are experiencing the error above, please try the following methods:
Method #1: Delete and reinstall the game from our website: https://seaclassic.dragonnest.com/Download
Method #2: Move your EYEDENTITY GAMES folder from Program Files (x86) to Local Disk (C:)
■ System Error: GPKitclt.dll / GPKitclt64.dll
If you encounter the image below:
Or encounter the message :The code execution cannot proceed because GPKitClt64.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.,
please follow the procedures below:
Link: [ Please click here to download. ]
1. Download the .dll file from the link above.
2. Copy the .dll file to the folder where DNLauncher.exe is located.
3. Run DNLauncher.exe to play the game.
■ Unable to download GPK file: GPK Update Failed, Just Try To Continue
If you encounter 'GPK Update Failed, Just Try To Continue' while downloading the GPK file, please try the following solutions:
1. Try again multiple times.
2. Try restarting your router.
3. Contact your internet provider (ISP) for help.
■ I see Chinese message upon starting my launcher
If you encounter the following error upon starting your launcher, please try the following methods:
1. Try restarting your launcher.
2. Try restarting your computer
■ System Error: G 1006 Error
If you encounter the error above, please restart your computer and finish the Windows update then try again.
■ System Error: G Error ID: 1002-2
If you encounter this error, please try the following methods:
1. Check your CPU Architecture
- The game supports **X86 (Intel / AMD CPU)** only, and does not support ARM (Snapdragon series / Apple A/M Series)
2. Try starting the game using Windows Administrator
■ System Error: GPK Can't Run in Current Window's Mode 1!
If you encounter the message "GPK Can't Run in Current Window's Mode 1!", please follow the procedures below:
1. Please try again after exiting from debugging / safe mode.
2. Try again after temporarily deactivating any antivirus softwares you are using.
■ System Error: XIGNCODE Initializing Failed!!
If you encounter the message: XIGNCODE Initializing Failed!!,
please refer to the procedures below:
Link: Click to download
1. Download the XIGNCODE folder from the link above.
2. Go to Dragon Nest Classic folder -> Reborn.
3. Replace the existing XIGNCODE folder with the one you downloaded.
■ Regarding IP Block issue caused due to ineligible accounts trying to log into Dragon Nest Classic CBT
We have identified and removed the IP block form all relevant IP address so players can access the Early Character Creation for Dragon Nest Classic.
If you are still experiencing issues in connecting to Dragon Nest Classic, please submit an 1:1 inquiry or report to #cbt-bug-report channel in our Official Discord.
Official Discord Link: https://discord.gg/dragonnestclassic
Thank you.
Dragon Nest Classic Operation Team