


Launch Day Patch Notes

View 38833


◆ Basic Class Unlock



 Available base classes : Warrior, Sorceress, Archer, Cleric

 First job advancement available for

Warrior : Sword Master, Mercenary
Sorceress : Elemental Lord, Force User
Archer : Bow Master, Acrobat
Cleric : Paladin, Priest

 Reduced skill acquisition levels for early game to address skill shortage

 Free Skill Reset function enabled After job advancement players can reset skills via the Reset button in the skill learning panel



◆ Beginner’s Guide System


Welcome Adventurers! Please follow the Beginner’s Guide System to navigate through Dragon Nest Classic!


 New questline Innocent Adventurer Displayed at the top of the quest list

 Completing these quests grants rewards via in-game mail



◆ Game Content Unlock


■ Major Cities



 Four major cities are now accessible

Prairie Town : Starting area for Warriors and Archers
Mana Ridge : Starting area for Sorceresses and Clerics
Calderock Village
Saint Haven

 Level cap is set to 32

 Arena PVP mode unlocked (Accessible from level 10 via Change Channel interface)

 Main quests, side quests and remote quests available (default hotkey U)


■ Nest Content



Minotaur Nest

 Entry Level : 16
 Party Size : 1 to 4 players
 Weekly Clear Limit : 7 times
 Entry Path : Calderock Village to Gray Ruins to Lower Ridge

The boss chest drops pre crafted equipment (No crafting required)
Practice Mode does not drop loot



Cerberus Nest

 Entry Level : 32
 Party Size : 1 to 4 players
 Weekly Clear Limit

Normal Mode : 5 times
Hell Mode : 2 times

 Entry Path : Saint Haven to Foothills of Black Mountain

Normal Mode : Equipment crafting materials
Hell Mode : Cerberus accessory set
Practice Modea does not drop loot



Cerberus Nest (Hell Mode)

 Entry Level : 32
 Party Size : 1 to 4 players
 Fatigue Consumption None
 Clear Limit : 2 time
 Entry Path : Saint Haven to Foothills of Black Mountain

If defeated within a set time players earn an Exclusive Cerberus Mount
If cleared after the time limit players receive a Cerberus Mount Exchange Ticket (4 tickets needed for a regular Cerberus mount)


■ Farm and Life Skills Unlock


Farm and Life Skills Unlock

 Upon reaching level 24 and completing the remote quest "Farming for Fun and Profit" in Saint Haven, players can access the farm area.

 After completing the preliminary guide quest:

Players can enter the farm channel via the "Channel List" menu.

Players can use life skills by selecting "Secondary Skills" in the "Skills" menu.



◆ Equipment System Updates


 New Equipment Sets : Minotaur Set, Cerberus Set

 Enhancement System Unlocked (Max +15)

+6 and below has a 100 percent success rate
At +9 and above, failures will not drop the enhancement below +9
For +6 and above, failures may result in equipment destruction
New Item : Item Protection Magic Jelly (Prevents destruction on failure for +6 and above)

 Gear Prefix System Introduced

Adds special effects and stat bonuses to gear
PVE Prefixes : Iron Wall, Tent, Harsh, Destruction, Magic, Hero, Bear, Wind, Intellect
PVP Prefixes : Fatal, Restraint, Shock, Luck, Flexible
Currently prefix crafting is only available for Cerberus Equipment

 Potential Enchantment System

Players can apply Potential Codes to gear for randomized attribute boosts
Gold cost for reverting potential results has been removed
New feature Quick Successive Enchanting

 Enhancement Transfer System

Allows transferring enhancement levels between same quality and same slot equipment
New Item : Enhancement Transfer (Used to transfer enhancement levels with varying material costs based on level difference)



◆ Wonderful Theme Park Opens



A new fun filled amusement park is here!
Earn Wonderful Exchange Coupon through mini games and redeem rewards from Magician Sanders.


 Entry Paths : Calderock Village or Saint Haven to Wonderful Theme Park

 Available Mini Games

Warrior Goblin
Monastery Treasure Warehouse
Treacherous Path
Boss Rush (Calderock Village)



◆ Chaos Opening Unlock



A mysterious underground realm is emerging bringing Dimensional Rabbits and increasing rift instability.
Players must prevent the collapse of the rift.


 Entry Path : Saint Haven to Foothills of Black Mountain
 Rewards : Chaos Opening exclusive materials for crafting gear prefixes



Chaos Opening Baera

 Entry Level : 32
 Party Size : 1 to 4 players
 Clear Limit : 3 times

 Note : Entry items are no longer required for Chaos Opening



◆ Boundary of Jealousy Unlock



Dark Priestesses have deepened their research on corrupted regions, cleansing Goddess Statues to secure knowledge and power

Players must defend these statues against incoming waves of enemies


 Mode : Jealousy Nightmare Spirit Defense Mode


 Entry Level : 32
 Party Size : 1 to 4 players
 Clear Limit : 5 times
 Entry Path : Saint Haven to Boundary of Jealousy
 Rewards : Pandora Boxes and other valuable items



◆ Costume System Expansion


 New Features : Costumes, Costume Codex, Costume Gacha

 New Exchange Items

Active Costume Coupons : Earned via daily quests exchangeable at Merchant Pania
Gacha Costume Coupons

 Transmogrification : Apply favorite Costume appearances to equipped gear

 Costume Gacha : Players can select specific Costume slots and pull random pieces

 Costume Recycling : Convert duplicate Costume pieces into exchangeable coupons



◆ Monthly Pass System Introduced


 Monthly Passes

Lavish Monthly Pass (30 Days)
Luxury Monthly Pass (30 Days)
Deluxe Monthly Pass (30 Days)



Purchasing the Monthly Pass will give you a higher priority in the server queue.

Priority is as follows:
1st in line: Deluxe & Luxury
2nd in line: Lavish
3rd in line: None


Earn Monthly Pass Points Exchangeable at Merchant Pania



◆ Game System Improvements


 New Damage Statistics System : Real time multi player tracking

 Camera Distance Adjustment : Toggle Adjustable settings in system settings

 Pet System Update : Removed hunger mechanics

 Mount System Update : All mounts are rideable from level 1

 Nest Guide System : View boss skills and attack patterns

 New Pandora Box Multi Open Function

 Preview Feature Added: Players can preview Costume mounts and pets in the shop

 Significant UI Improvements

Daily or weekly quest rewards now instantly claimable and no longer sent to mail



◆ Class Skill Adjustments


■ Sorceress

 Gravity Ball : Magic Attack increased by 24 percent per level

 Rising Gravity : Magic Attack increased by 40 percent per level

 Summon Black Hole : Magic Attack increased by 74 percent per level



This massive update brings a variety of new features improved gameplay mechanics and an exciting new adventure!


Enjoy Dragon Nest Classic at its best!


Dragon Nest Classic Operation Team